ConstructorA constructor is a special member function automatically called when an object is
created. In C++, the constructor is automatically called when an object is created. It is a
special class method because it does not have any return type. It has the same name as
the class itself.
A constructor initializes the class data members with garbage value if we don’t put any
value to it explicitly.
The constructor must be placed in the public section of the class because we want the
class to be instantiated anywhere. For every object in its lifetime constructor is called
only once at the time of creation.
class class_name{
int data_member1;
string data_member2;
//creating constructor
// initialize data members with garbage value
Here, the function class_name() is a constructor of the class ‘class_name’. Notice that the
❖ has the same name as the class,
❖ does not have any return type, and
❖ it is public
If we do not specify a constructor, the C++ compiler generates a default constructor for
an object (which expects no parameters and has an empty body).
Types of Constructors:
There are three types of constructors in C++:
★ Default constructor
★ Parameterized Constructor
★ Copy Constructor
Default constructor:-
A constructor that doesn’t take any argument or has no parameters is known as a
default constructor. In the example above, class_name() is a default constructor.
class class_name{
int data_member1;
string data_member2;
//default constructor
// initializing data members with their default values
data_member1 = 69;
data_member2 = “Coding Ninjas”;
Here, the class_name() constructor will be called when the object is created. This sets
the data_member1 variable of the object to 69 and the data_member2 variable of the
object to “Coding Ninjas”.
Note: If we have not defined a constructor in our class, the C++ compiler will
automatically create a default constructor with an empty code and no parameters,
which will initialize data members with garbage values.
When we write our constructor explicitly, the inbuilt constructor will not be available for
Parameterized Constructor:-
This is another type of Constructor with parameters. The parameterized constructor
takes its arguments provided by the programmer. These arguments help initialize an
object when it is created.
To create a parameterized constructor, simply add parameters to it the way you would
to any other function. When defining the constructor’s body, use the parameters to
initialize the object.
Using this Constructor, you can provide different values to data members of different
objects by passing the appropriate values as arguments.
class class_name{
int data_member1;
string data_member2;
//parameterized constructor
class_name(int num, string str){
// initializing data members with values provided
data_member1 = num;
data_member2 = str;
Here, we have created a parameterized constructor class_name() that has 2 parameters:
int num and string str. The values contained in these parameters are used to initialize
the member variables data_member1 and data_member2.
Copy Constructor:-
These are a particular type of constructor that takes an object as an argument and
copies values of one object’s data members into another object. We pass the class
object into another object of the same class in this constructor. As the name suggests,
you Copy means to copy the values of one Object into another Object of Class. This is
used for Copying the values of a class object into another object of a class, so we call
them Copy constructor and for copying the values.
We have to pass the object’s name whose values we want to copy, and when we are
using or passing an object to a constructor, we must use the & ampersand or address
class class_name{
int data_member1;
string data_member2;
//copy constructor
class_name(class_name &obj){
// copies data of the obj parameter
data_member1 = obj.data_member1;
data_member2 = obj.data_member2;
In this program, we have used a copy constructor to copy the contents of one object of
the class ‘class_name’ to another. The code of the copy constructor is:
class_name(class_name &obj){
// copies data of the obj parameter
data_member1 = obj.data_member1;
data_member2 = obj.data_member2;
If we don’t define our own copy constructor, the C++ compiler creates a default copy
constructor for each class which does a memberwise copy between objects.
Example using smartphone class:
class smartphone{
//Data Members(Properties)
string model;
int year_of_manufacture;
bool 5g_supported; public: //default constructor smartphone(){ model = “unknown”; 4 year_of_manufacture = 0; _5g_supported = false; } //parameterized constructor smartphone(string model_string, int manufacture, bool _5g){
//initialising data members
model = model_string;
year_of_manufacture = manufacture;
5g_supported = _5g;
// copy constructor
smartphone(smartphone &obj){
// copies data of the obj parameter
model = obj.model;
year_of_manufacture = obj.year_of_manufacture;
_5g_supported = obj._5g_supported;
int main(){
//creating objects of smartphone class
// using default constructor
smartphone unknown;
// using parameterized constructor
smartphone iphone(“iphone 11”, 2019, false );
// using copy constructor
smartphone iphone_2(iphone);